Project-Based Learning in Homeschool
Do you want a creative and hands-on way of learning? Try project-based learning in your homeschool and watch your kids love learning!
Do you want a creative and hands-on way of learning? Try project-based learning in your homeschool and watch your kids love learning!
Do you want your kids to learn how to learn and think for themselves? Classical education may be the right homeschool method for your family.
Are you contemplating year-round homeschooling? Learn about its plusses and minuses, and decide if it is right for your family.
Why not let Mother Nature be the teacher today? Learn from the natural world by nature schooling with your kids! It’s a fun homeschool idea.
Raising independent learners comes from more than how you teach. In fact, as Dennis Dinoia explains in his new book, TEACH: Creating Independently Responsible Learners, it’s more about how you don’t teach than how you do.
Find out about task based learning, a collaborative and engaging language learning method that will shake up your lessons and jolt students out of boredom.
Unschooling does not mean unlearning. Get the facts on unschooling and see if it is right for your family.