Free Printable God is Love Coloring Bookmarks for Kids

Free Printable God is Love Coloring Bookmarks for Kids

It’s been a crazy week, but crazy in that overly-productive-can’t-sleep-because-my-mind-is-going-a-bazillion-miles-an-hour kind of way. Ever had one of those? =) Well, in my free time (read 3AM-4AM), I’ve been designing some graphics and coloring pages. So, drum roll please, here is a five bookmark set of God is Love coloring bookmarks for you!

Free God Is Love Coloring Bookmarks

Why bookmarks? Why not! Actually, I love to read. LOVE it. And I am constantly looking for bookmarks, because I constantly lose them. So, awhile back, I started creating my own. Now the thing with reading is that sometimes, I get the urge to doodle or color at about the exact same time I want to read. It’s bizarre, I know. So, I decided to make some coloring bookmarks, because HELLO! it’s the perfect combination.

Little Miss is the same way and often has the urge to color and doodle, so she’s loving these. Since I’m hoping that we’re not the only ones with this peculiar read and doodle urge, I thought you might like a set for yourself. To download your free coloring bookmarks, just click on the image below (and save it on Pinterest too!) and you’ll be able to download them from the following screen.

I recommend printing them on card stock and using either colored pencils or markers on them. If you want them to be more durable, laminate them or cover them with clear contact paper (a little faux laminating trick from my classroom teaching days).

Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy them! Get more great printables when you subscribe to our newsletter! We‘re building a free subscribers’ vault just for printables and I can’t wait to share it with you!


Have a great day, friends! Happy reading – and coloring! 


Free Printable God is Love Coloring Bookmarks for Kids

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