How to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of Kindergarten

How to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of Kindergarten

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While it may sound exciting (and frightening!) for both you and your child, it’s important for parents to make sure their children are ready for this big milestone – the first day of kindergarten.

Other than planning and organizing school supplies, here are five of the best ways to prepare your child for the first day of school.

How to Get Your Child Ready for the First Day of School

Boost your child’s social skills.

At school, your child has to learn how to build new relationships with teachers and classmates.

You can boost your child’s social skills by encouraging him play with other children and teaching him how to greet people, meet new friends, and introduce himself.

This will help ease his anxiety when entering new situations with unfamiliar people.

Stimulate your child’s learning skills.

Children love learning new things.

However, if not encouraged early on, your child may find it difficult to adapt to school activities.

Pay particular attention to reading stories, asking questions, counting everyday objects, playing guessing games, and sharing general knowledge with your child throughout the weeks leading up to the first day of school.

How to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of Kindergarten in Public School

Create a “study” environment.

Your child is expected to act as a student at school and should know how to sit still, wait, and listen to the teacher.

Create a “study” environment at home where he can write, draw, read and do art.

Set this space up before school starts so that he can “practice” schoolwork.

Maintain a positive attitude.

Let’s face it, your child is going to be nervous on the first day and he needs you to put on a brave face.

Keep a happy, positive attitude by sharing your fun school experiences.

This will take some of the worry and anxiety out of wondering what school will be like.

Encourage your child at every step.

The first day of school can be overwhelming, but you can always make it fun by encouraging your child every step of the way.

Bring your child when shopping for school supplies.

Go on a trip to the school and meet his kindergarten teacher in advance.

Talk it up, be positive, and let your child know that you are excited for him.

Great preparation cannot happen overnight, so make sure you give your child (and yourself!) sufficient time to prepare for the first day of school.

If you’re reading this the day before school starts, don’t worry – your child will be fine!

Most importantly, don’t forget to take as many pictures as you can!

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