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Camping is such a wonderful way for families to spend time together.
Hiking, swimming, eating outdoors, and hanging out by the campfire are all fun activities to pass the time, but family camping games are even better!
Whether you want a game that everyone can play while sitting around the campfire at night or to keep everyone entertained for an entire afternoon, we’ve got some fun family camping games that will create quality time and make your trip even more amazing!
If you’re new to camping, be sure to check out these tips for beginning campers first!
Fun Family Camping Games
Pass the Water
This game is loads of fun to play on a hot, sunny day.
Hand everyone a plastic cup and have them stand in a single file line, facing the back of the person in front of them.
Fill the cup of the first person in line with water.
They must pour the water from their cup into the cup of the person behind them.
The trick?
They can’t turn around.
They have to reach over their head and pour!
Create teams or just play for fun and an excuse to get wet and cool off.
Glow Stick Ring Toss
Pick up some glow sticks, bracelets, and necklaces at the dollar store before you head out on your trip.
After it starts to get dark, bury the end of a glow stick or bracelet into the ground to serve as your target stick and throw assembled bracelets or necklaces as rings.
Use targets at multiple distances with varying points and keep score.
Scavenger Hunts
Write up a scavenger hunt list, then divide into teams and head out to find all of the items around your campsite, in the woods, or by the water.
The first team to find everything on their list is the winner!
When sitting around the campfire or waiting out a rainstorm, start up a good, old fashioned game of telephone.
Have someone write down a phrase, then whisper it into the ear of the person beside them.
That person will whisper what they heard to the person beside them, and so on.
Once you get to the final person in the circle, that person should say the phrase they heard out loud.
It can be hilarious how much things changed from the original message.
Progressive Campfire Tales
Work together to create a story as you sit around the campfire.
One person will begin the tale with a sentence, then the next person will add their own spin with another sentence.
Continue around the circle until you decide your story is complete or the silliness gets too far out of control.
Alphabet Game
This is fun to play while out on a hike, sitting around the campfire, or while stick inside during a downpour.
Choose a topic, then everyone goes through the alphabet naming items and reviewing the items named before.
For instance, “I’m going on vacation and I’m going to pack an apple.” The next person would say “I’m going on vacation and I’m going to pack an apple and boots.”
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Great Family Camping Games to Buy
This game is a great choice when camping, as it’s easy to assemble and disassemble, plus doesn’t take up a lot of room to transport.
Multi-Sport Sets
These sets have loads of different options for outdoor play while camping.
Play long time favorites like badminton, volleyball, frisbee, flip toss, and more.
Magnetic Board Game Set
Keep everyone busy on a rainy day at the campsite with some magnetic board games.
Pieces are less likely to be lost, so you’ll be able to enjoy classic games like checkers, backgammon, and more throughout your trip.
What are your family’s favorite camping games?
Tell us about them in the comments below!
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