How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day
So you want to meet your step goal?
Here’s how to walk 10,000 steps a day and meet your goal!
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Since this article first went live in the summer of 2012, I’ve managed to have two knee surgeries and gained much more weight than I am comfortable admitting – or carrying, for that matter.
I joined a fantastic gym last October and went faithfully every morning for a while.
I dropped almost 30 pounds by Christmas and it was awesome.
Enter the 3rd snowiest winter in recorded history.
I got off my routine when early morning trips couldn’t happen thanks to icy roads and slippery snow-covered roads.
I tried exercising at home more often – didn’t help.
I got a Fitbit Zip – kind of helped, but not really.
Then I pulled a muscle in my chest shoveling snow and had pains breathing going up the stairs – let alone working out.
And I gained back almost 20 pounds.
So, as the summer began I decided to start going back to the gym.
Only to be thwarted by work piling on at an alarming rate with my work days starting bleary-eyed at 5am in order to get my work done.
And yet, it continues to pile on and I continue to miss the gym.
Determined that until I can get back-on-track with my daily treks to the gym, I will be happily slipping on my pedometer and pounding out the steps.
This article was a great reminder of how I can get it done.
Here’s hoping your pedometer reads 10,000 steps a day, as well!
Let’s Walk 10,000 Steps a Day!
Research has shown that walking can do your health a world of good.
Staying active by incorporating simple lifestyle changes can help build stamina, give you a healthy heart, and burn excess fat and calories.
According to a 2004 report written by the Department of Exercise and Wellness at Arizona State University and published by the US National Library of Medicine, “10,000 steps/day appears to be a reasonable estimate of daily activity for apparently healthy adults and studies are emerging documenting the health benefits of attaining similar levels.”
If you think 10,000 steps a day are too many, think again.
Chances are that you walk more steps now than you think you do.
Invest in a basic pedometer that counts the number of steps you are taking every day to determine how many more you need to reach the 10,000 step target goal and get walking.
Need to add more steps to your daily routine?
Try some of the simple ways below to reach your daily goal.
Easy ways to add more steps to your daily routine:
- Park your car at the far end of the parking lot;
- Get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way home or to work;
- Walk to the train station instead of taking the bus;
- Instead of dropping the kids off in front of the school, park around the corner or on the next street and walk them to the gate;
- Take the long way around the grocery store aisles instead of heading straight for the items you need. Instead of grumbling that the milk is in the absolute farthest back corner of the store, you will be thankful that you have the chance to add more steps;
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator;
- While at work, walk to a colleague’s office instead of e-mailing them when you want to talk;
- Go for a walk during your lunch break or walk to get something to eat instead of driving;
- If taking a flight, walk up and down the airport terminal;
- Make several trips up and down the stairs or hallway while doing the laundry;
- Walk around the house while talking on the phone;
- Walk to friends’ houses instead of driving;
- Take the dog for an extra walk around the block or just add ten minutes to his daily walk;
- Get friends and family out of the house for a game of Frisbee or a walk around the park;
- Walk to do your errands;
- Walk in place (or around the house) during commercials on tv;
- Dance while cleaning – it adds steps and makes cleaning more fun;
- Just start moving – every step counts!
The trick to getting and maintaining 10.000 steps a day is to start with what you can and build slowly.
Make walking more fun by listening to music or getting a friend to join you to chat.
Pretty soon you will be reaching your daily goal without even realizing it.
When that happens, add another 200 steps to your goal and keep going.
You can do it!
What is your tip for reaching 10,000 steps a day?
Share it with us below!