Book Club Activities for Students
How do you run a student book club that kids want to join? Pack it with these fun and creative book club activities for students.
The Benefits of a Student Book Club
Reading is a solitary activity, but a book club is a social event.
For students who already love to read, this is a chance to share their thoughts and ideas.
For students who are reluctant readers, this engaging and social activity motivates them to finish a book.
How do you plan a student book club that kids are excited to attend?
Try some of these entertaining book club activities for students.
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10 Engaging Book Club Activities for Students
These ten activities will invigorate any student book club.
Yummy Book-Themed Snacks
Let’s be honest. Kids love food. If you stock your book club with snacks, students will love participating.
You can go the extra mile by tying the snacks into the book.
Does the book mention a specific food or recipe? Serve that!
Is it set in a foreign country? Make a culturally appropriate dish.
Does the book take place in the past? Serve a food that was common during that time.
Is the book set in a specific season? That can be your snack inspiration.
Bring some backup student-approved snacks if your themed food seems less than appetizing to the under-18 set.
Book Discussion
This one is obvious, but the purpose of a book club is to talk about the book.
The students do not want to hear you teach a lecture on the book. They want to discuss it.
Have some questions ready. Ensure the questions are open-ended and not “quiz them on the content” questions.
Questions like, “Who was your favorite character and why?” or “What would you do if you faced this situation?” are examples of open-ended questions.
Consider passing the questions to students and let them ask the group.
This may get the students talking with one another more instead of giving their responses to you.
Role Play
Ask students to play characters and reenact scenes from the book.
This is an interactive (and hilarious) way to review the plot.
Character Interviews
This is another extension of role play.
Have students each take on a character and pretend they are on an interview show.
One person acts as the interviewer and asks the characters questions.
If you want the student to be the interviewer, provide him or her with a list of possible questions.
This type of activity works well if your students deeply understand the characters.
Book Journaling
This is a pre-book club activity that students can complete.
Have them write down their thoughts, questions, or memorable quotations from the book.
They can bring their journals to class and use them to spark discussion.
You can also go around, and each share something from their journal.
Design a Book Cover
Incorporate art into your book club time.
Design a new book cover for the book.
Ask starter questions like:
What characters or objects should be on the book cover?
Which colors express the mood of the book?
How can you feature the title (and what style of lettering will you use)?
Compose an Alternate Ending
How did the author choose to end the book? Was that satisfactory?
Do your students wish the ending were different?
Have each student brainstorm their own ending for the book, or outline what a sequel might cover.
Play Games
You can quiz students on the characters or plot of the book by turning the review into a team-based trivia game.
You could also generate a word scramble, crossword puzzle, or word search with characters or places from the book.
Guest Author Talks
Is it possible to arrange an interview with the author? You never know unless you ask.
Even if an author can’t be there in person, they may appear via Zoom.
This gives students a chance to ask questions and learn about the creative process.
Alternatively, you can research the author (or ask a student to do so). What inspired the author to write this book?
Make Book Club an Event
You can make book club an event worth attending.
Decorate the space to resemble something from the book.
You can even ask attendees to come in costume if the book is set in a past time or fantastical world.
Book Club Activities Students Will Love
Book club activities for students need to go beyond, “Let’s sit and talk about the book.”
Make book club fun and appealing with these ten activities.
And don’t forget the cardinal rule of book club: Provide snacks!