Freebie Friday Party: Weekly Menu Printable

Freebie Friday Party: Weekly Menu Printable

With three growing kids, mama, it can get expensive! One of the things that has helped keep our grocery budget on track is creating a weekly menu or meal plan. We tend to just plan out our dinners, because they’re usually the most costly meal of the day for us. We have tried monthly calendars, but for us, seeing and shopping for a week at a time seems to work best.

Since I also want to cut down on other expenses (like printer paper!), I created a weekly menu printable that can be slid into a sheet protector or laminated and reused week after week. I originally created it in the gold and sea foam colors, but quickly realized it looks grossly out of place in my black, white, and red kitchen. Thus, a retro red and black version was made, as well.

Download one or both and make meal planning a breeze this week. Click on the images below to print out yours. Then scroll down and check out other great freebies from our friends around the web! Happy Freebie Friday!

Freebie Friday Party: Weekly Menu Printable

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