Weird Holidays in December
Looking for something unexpected to do this December?
Well, look no further!
There’s a wild and wacky reason to celebrate every day this month.
Check out these unusual and weird holidays in December!
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Unusual and Weird Holidays in December
December 1 – National Pie Day
December 2 – Business of Popping Corn Day
December 3 – Make A Gift Day
December 4 – International Sweater Vestival
Break out your sweater vests, everyone!
Recognize this zany holiday by sporting your favorite sweater vest.
Organize a neighborhood or school “vestival” with your friends and family to get all involved in the celebration!
December 5 – Earmuff Day
December 6 – National Microwave Oven Day
December 7 – National Cotton Candy Day
December 8 – National Christmas Tree Day
December 9 – National Llama Day
December 10 – Dewey Decimal System Day
On this day honor Melvin Dewey, who was the creator of the Dewey Decimal System.
This organizational system is used in over 200,000 libraries across the world to keep books in order.
Well, thank you, Melvil!
December 11 – Official Lost and Found Day
December 12 – National Ding-A-Ling Day
December 13 – National Day of the Horse
December 14 – Monkey Day
December 15 – National Wear Your Pearls Day
December 16 – National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 17 – National Maple Syrup Day
December 18 – National Wear A Plunger on Your Head Day
We’re not really sure how this silly holiday got started, but it is surely something to commemorate!
Observe this day by putting a plunger on your head (it’s obviously best to make sure it is a brand new plunger) and then take a picture to remember.
December 19 – National Wreaths Across America Day
December 20 – Go Caroling Day
December 21 – Don’t Make Your Bed Day
December 22 – National Cookie Exchange Day
December 23 – National Pfeffernüsse Day
What’s a Pfeffernüsse, you ask?
Well, it is a small peppernut cookie popular in Central Europe.
Celebrate this day by baking and eating your own Pfeffernüsse.
December 24 – National Egg Nog Day
December 25 – No “L” Day
This wacky day is a pun on the word “noel”.
Partake in this unique holiday by leaving out the letter “L” in all of your talking and texting today.
That should be cha’’enging and si’’y, at the same time!
December 26 – National Whiner’s Day
December 27 – Visit the Zoo Day
December 28 – National Card Playing Day
December 29 – National Pepper Pot Day
Also known as Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup, this delicious gumbo was served in 1777 to George Washington and his troops.
Although not as popular as it once was, Pepper Pot Soup still has its own day of observance.
December 30 – Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
December 31 – Make Up Your Mind Day
Wacky and Weird Holidays in December
Which of these crazy holidays are you looking forward to?
Remember, you don’t have to choose just one!
Celebrating National Pie Day in a sweater vest while eating Pfeffernüsse is definitely on our list.
This may be the best December yet!