Free 12 Sentence Paragraph Graphic Organizer

Make writing a 12 sentence paragraph easier with the help of this free paragraph writing graphic organizer!

Free 12 Sentence Paragraph Graphic Organizer

My oldest hates writing. In fact, you could say he loathes it.

When we have writing assignments, it’s like pulling teeth, and at the end of the day, we’re often in horrible moods, and I’m questioning if we’ll homeschool next year. It’s that bad.

I know other families have their tough subjects, and on days when those assignments come around, all you can do is pray and make sure there’s a full pot of coffee. And a lot of chocolate.

A LOT of chocolate.

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Well, this week, we had two writing assignments that resulted in kid meltdowns and a migraine for mom. Homeschooling is so much fun sometimes, isn’t it?

For one of the assignments, the objective was to write a paragraph recapping Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, Book 3) by J.K. Rowling.

There was to be a topic sentence, three supporting sentences, each with two detail sentences, and then a conclusion sentence. Twelve sentences in all.

For a book that’s hundreds of pages, this should not be a big deal. But it was. It really, really was.

Freebie Friday: 12 Sentence Paragraph Graphic Organizer


So, I created a graphic organizer to help him chunk his thoughts and get the details in order. I went with a format that he’d used previously and found helpful.

The topic sentence is his green sentence. The supporting sentences are yellow, and then the detail sentences are red.

The graphic organizer lays that all out and leaves plenty of room for sentences to be written in.

Even though I let the kids type their final drafts, I think it’s important to write the rough drafts – at least some of the rough drafts during the year – by hand.

I’d love to be able to tell you that it’s a magic solution to writing frustrations, but sadly, it’s not.

It does, however, make the organization of thoughts easier, and there’s slightly less resistance to writing…sometimes.

I make no promises as to how it will work with your child, but it’s an awesome graphic organizer nonetheless.

12 Sentence Paragraph Writing Organizer

Download the 12 Sentence Paragraph Writing Organizer

You can find the 12-sentence paragraph writing organizer in the Freebies Library! If you’re already a member of our email list, you can find the password at the bottom of any of our emails. You can access the Freebies Library HERE.

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