Focus – 2017 Word of the Year

Focus – 2017 Word of the Year

I’m not sure where 2016 went, but I swear it was just yesterday that I was picking out and praying over the word of the day for the year. If you haven’t heard of the concept, basically you pick a word that becomes your beacon or mantra for the year. In 2016, my word has been “happiness.” I wrote it daily at the top of my planner, tried to gauge my actions and measure my tasks against the word, and focus on things that made me happy. It worked – for the most part – and when I had to make decisions about whether to do something, I often found myself asking if it was going to make me happy. In 2017, my word will be Focus.

The Year of Focus

Now, I’m not lacking focus in the grand get-things-done kind of way, but I do tend to lose focus on accomplishing the many different things I want to do, because I run out of time. I get distracted and, like the dogs when they see a squirrel, I can tend to wander down a rabbit hole of new things to try. Focus seemed like such a scary word to pick. It sounds like there’s no room for creativity, no space for wandering, no chance to just be (something else I need desperately). Focus seems scheduled. But it’s not…or at least it’s not how I envision it.


  • Being present and in the moment when I’m with my children
  • Productivity vs. business
  • Being focused on self-care and making sure I get my much needed workouts in
  • Getting rid of the things that distract me from what really matters and not being hesitant to say no
  • Spending more time reading the Truth and journaling about it
  • Scheduling down time, so that I don’t feel constantly overwhelmed
  • Doing something truly fun every week
  • Getting finances in order and finally committing to good business tracking software
  • Recognizing my strengths and working on my weaknesses

In 2017, I want to focus more on what matters and less on the noise of life. Focus will be the reminder word that gives me permission to do that. See? Focus isn’t such a scary word after all.

Do you choose a word to guide you through the year? Share it with me below! I’d love to know what you’re focusing on in the new year and help you however I can!

Happy 2017, friends!

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Focus – 2017 Word of the Year

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