Homeschooling in PA: 3 Places to Start

Thinking about homeschooling in PA?

Here’s where to start!

Homeschooling in PA 3 places to start

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One of the amazing mamas who reads came across the Top 10 Reasons Not to Home School article the other day.

One of the points in the article is that if you don’t know the home school law in your state, and you’re not willing to learn about it, that you really should consider some other option than home schooling.

Since this particular mama lives in the great Keystone state (that would be Pennsylvania), as do I, she asked for resources about the law.

I know she’s not the only one who has questions about starting to home school in this great state, so I thought I would share the three resources I gave her with you…just in case you don’t read the article.



The Law

I can’t stress enough how important it is to read and understand the law as it pertains to home schooling.

It will alleviate so much anxiety and so much worrying, not to mention, you will be in compliance.

The actual PA home school law can be found on the PA Dept of Education site here:

Pennsylvania Department of education

The Go-To Site

When we first started home schooling, Ask Pauline was the answer to prayers.

I can’t even tell you how many hours I’ve spent devouring the information on this site.

Ask Pauline is definitely the PA homeschooler’s go-to site for all things homeschooling in PA.

Homeschooling in PA: 3 Places to Get started

The Lawyers

There’s something to be said for a powerful group of legal advocates navigating the world of home school law for you.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has a PA page that is filled with great information. You can find it here:

Homeschooling in Pennsylvania

So, a warm thank you to the mama who asked (you know who you are!) and inspired me to post these for you.

As always, if you have general home schooling questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or email me at [email protected]. 

I’m happy to help!

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