How to Homeschool Multiple Children

Figuring out how to homeschool multiple children at the same time can be tricky, but it can be done!

How to Homeschool Multiple Children

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If you have more than one child, you may be wondering if homeschool is possible.

I know, because I used to wonder the same thing.

How can I possibly teach it all?

How will all of their needs be met?

How can I spread myself out so that they’re each getting individual attention?!

Without a doubt, homeschooling an only child is much different than homeschooling more than one!

Can I Homeschool More Than One Child?

Don’t worry – EVERY homeschool mom of multiple kids has had the exact same thoughts and felt the exact same way at least once.

And by once, I mean almost every single day.

You’re not alone!

In fact, there are actually many people who teach two or more children at the same time.

In our case, we homeschooled three kids at the same time and it worked well.

Here are some of my best tips on how to homeschool multiple children.

How to Homeschool Multiple Children

Homeschooling Multiple Children

Know Your State’s Grade Level Requirements

Before starting to homeschool multiple children, look up your state’s homeschool requirements.

This will help you understand how to proceed with your lesson plans and curriculum.

Some states may be more flexible than others as far as methods that will allow the kids to meet the requirements.

Keep in mind that each child’s requirements may be different depending on their grade level.

Don’t panic!

You can still meet those requirements without going crazy!

If you’re homeschooling high school, there are going to be a whole other set of requirements, so just be prepared and do your research ahead of time.

It’s totally possible – it just takes a bit of planning.

How to Homeschool Multiple Children

Consider Mixed-Age Learning

This is a great way to help you get more done in less time when you homeschool multiple children.

Mixed-age learning may allow for all of the children to be taught the same lessons or to listen to each other’s lessons, in addition to their own.

Mixed-age grouping can provide a way for each child to advance at their own pace, some advancing further ahead because of it.

If you choose this method, just be sure each child is challenged at the levels they need in order to advance.

Our favorite curriculum to use for mixed-age learning was Paths of Exploration.

We used it with my then sixth grader and my second grader.

They both loved it and learned so much!

I liked being able to teach them both at the same time and know that they were getting the attention they needed.

That being said…make sure you give your children enough one on one attention as well!

Whip out some one player games or turn on Thanksgiving movies for preschoolers (or movies for whatever holiday you’re near!) for one of your children while you spend focused time with the other.

Make Sure the Kids Get Lots of Exercise

Sometimes, part of learning how to homeschool multiple children means knowing how to keep them busy.

If you’re working with one child, you really want to try and keep the others from interrupting that instructional time.

Not only is it unfair to the child you’re working with, but it’s also unfair to you.

How to Homeschool Multiple Children

The best way that I found to keep them from distracting each other from work and reinforce some sibling kindness (which, let’s face it, is sometimes in short supply!), was to try to plan plenty of active play and physical activities.

Whether it was a walk around the block, a 20-minute bike ride, or hopscotch drawn on the driveway, getting them up and out of the house helped burn energy and allowed them to focus.

That really should come as no surprise, because without an outlet for their energy, all students struggle.

Play it by ear and watch your kids for signs that they just need to run around.

As Fred Rogers said, “Play is the work of childhood.”

The Best Advice for Homeschooling More Than One Child

Above all else, the best advice for homeschooling more than one child is to relax.

Do you best, do your research, and have fun.

If you’re full of worry and anxiety, guess what?

Your kids will be too.

The most important indicator of your children’s mood about homeschooling is how you’re acting.

They feed on your energy, so make it positive, relaxed, and filled with curiosity and calm.

Don’t worry, you can do this!​​

Have questions, need support, or want to share your experience with homeschooling multiple children?

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