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10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

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If you are a new homeschool mom, these 10 tips will help make your homeschooling journey successful.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Words of Wisdom for a New Homeschool Mom

Congratulations! You are officially a homeschooler!

While you are certainly looking forward to the benefits of homeschooling, you may also feel some trepidation.

Take a deep breath. You can do this.

Read on for ten tips that will help make this year (and every homeschooling year) successful in every sense of the word.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

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10 Tips for the New Homeschool Mom

Follow these ten tips for moms new to homeschooling.

Establish a Routine

I know what you are thinking, “Why do I need a schedule? Homeschooling is all about flexibility!”

While your homeschool will likely be less structured than a traditional school, you do need a plan.

Children need consistency (adults do, too, for that matter). They need to know what to expect.

Not only will it make them more productive, but it will ease their anxiety (and yours).

If you love schedules, go ahead and make one. If you prefer a more general flow, write down a loose routine you will follow each school day.

It’s expected that the schedule or routine will fall apart after a couple of weeks. That’s okay. Make the necessary adjustments, and try again.

If you want a rhythm in your homeschooling, you must put in the effort to establish one. Rhythms aren’t born; they’re made.

Create a Learning Space

Some families are fortunate enough to have a dedicated schoolroom. That’s wonderful.

But if you don’t have the space for a school room, you can still carve out a learning space.

This could be your kitchen table, a living room corner, or a desk in the guest bedroom.

Whichever space you choose, ensure it is organized and conducive to learning.

Try to remove distractions like clutter, screens, and excess noise.

If you are homeschooling multiple children, ensure that each one has their own space for schoolwork.

If you have multiple children, you will need to experiment to find out whether they learn better together in one area (and under your supervision) or separately in distraction-free zones.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Set Realistic Goals

While it is vital to set goals for the school year (whether they are academic, developmental, or character goals), make sure they are realistic.

Don’t reach for the moon and set goals that are too lofty. If your child struggles with reading, don’t set the goal of reading War and Peace by the end of the year!

Instead, make your goals S.M.A.R.T.

Specific: Name the goal and avoid general terms like “Be good at math.” Change it to “Memorize times tables up to 15 x 15” or “Master division with remainders.”

Measurable: A specific goal is typically measurable. “Read aloud a book a week for history.”

Achievable: Does your goal match your child’s current abilities? It is not the right goal if it is too big of a stretch.

Relevant: Is the goal age and developmentally appropriate?

Time-Bound: Set a time frame to achieve the goal. The best goals are short-term goals (like six weeks).

By making S.M.A.R.T. goals, you and your child will see real progress, and you will both be less likely to experience burnout.

Utilize Resources

You do not need to reinvent the wheel of homeschooling and design your own curriculum.

Are there moms who do that? Yes, and you can, too. Just wait a bit.

In your first year, utilize the already existing resources available to homeschoolers.

Take advantage of existing resources like educational apps and online learning opportunities.

Purchase curriculum guides. (Read about choosing the right curriculum here.)

Join a homeschooling group. Veteran homeschooling moms have been through it all, and they can be an excellent resource for you.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Make Learning Hands-On

Engage your students and bring the subjects to life with hands-on activities.

Do science experiments, art projects, and cooking activities.

Go on nature scavenger hunts and play games that reinforce learning.

Hands-on learning experiences make lessons engaging and memorable.

Take Care of Yourself

As a mom, you are constantly taking care of the needs of others.

Homeschooling adds another set of duties and time-intensive tasks.

It’s all too easy to shortchange yourself on sleep, exercise, nutrition, and a time for mental recharging.

You must schedule time for yourself to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

This is not selfish. It’s the opposite.

You can only give to others if you have something to give.

If you neglect self-care, you will find yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally depleted. How can you give to others at that point?

When you are making your homeschool routine, schedule time for yourself.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Learn How Your Child Learns

This first year, you need to learn how your child learns best.

Is he a visual learner? Does he need to see information like pictures, graphs, charts, and words to remember content best?

Perhaps he is an auditory learner who needs to hear information spoken aloud. He thrives when you read aloud to him.

Or is his strength kinesthetic learning?

A kinesthetic learner learns best when information is coupled with movement (like skip counting while doing jumping jacks).

The other type of learner is a reading-writing learner. This is a word-related combination of visual and kinesthetic learning styles.

Your child is a reading-writing learner if he easily recalls what he reads (and it is strengthened by copy work, notetaking, or worksheets).

Once you know how your child learns best, you can adapt your approach to your child’s personal learning style and educational needs.

If your child has dysgraphia, dyslexia, and/or dyscalculia, you can also make adjustments. The same is true for A.D.H.D.

You can tailor your educational approach to best suit your child’s needs.


Do you want to be a great teacher to your child?

Become an expert communicator.

Communication requires two skills.

The first is observation/listening. Do you notice any particular challenges or frustrations your child is having?

The second is speaking up. Create opportunities for your child to share his concerns and struggles.

When you pay attention and keep the lines of communication open, you can meet your child’s needs and address problems before they become overwhelming.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Seek Guidance

As a new homeschool mom, it is perfectly normal to wonder, “Am I doing this right?”

One way to quell your concerns is to seek professional guidance.

You can do this by setting up a meeting with a homeschool evaluator.

These are typically licensed teachers who are also experts on homeschooling (often, they are homeschooling moms themselves.)

For a small fee, they can review your child’s progress and suggest what content or skills need strengthening.

Most homeschool evaluators complete an annual evaluation of a homeschool portfolio, but you could also ask for a midyear meeting for your peace of mind.

Check out these other homeschooling assessment options.


Celebrate the small victories (remember those SMART goals?) and milestones along the way.

Did you successfully finish a unit on space? Visit a museum or watch a space-themed movie together.

Did your child make his first 100 on a math test? Hold an impromptu dance party!

These celebratory activities will motivate you and your kids.

10 Tips for New Homeschool Moms

Tips for the New Homeschool Mom

Homeschooling is challenging, rewarding, and 100% doable. You can do this!

Follow these ten tips for a new homeschool mom to have a successful (and amazing) first homeschool year.

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