Developing Social Emotional Skills in Children

Social emotional skills are more important today than ever before. If you haven’t added social emotional learning activities to your homeschool or classroom teaching, now is the time to do so.

Teaching Kids Social-Emotional Skills

I have been compensated for my time writing this post. All opinions are my own.

What are Social Emotional Skills?

Social emotional skills are skills that help us:

  • become more self-aware
  • improve our self-management
  • make responsible decisions
  • become more socially aware
  • build better relationships.

They are the foundation of being able to live a healthy, successful life.

But how do we introduce and nurture them in children?

Meet HeyKiddo!

SEL Curriculum

Let’s be honest – getting your kids to talk in-depth about any topic outside of popular culture or video games (Minecraft and TikTok, I’m looking at you!) is hard. The conversations that we typically have are surface level and rarely dig deep into the social-emotional realm of awareness.

That’s where the HeyKiddo Huddle steps in.

Instead of worrying or wondering about what to ask and how to facilitate those conversations with your kids, the HeyKiddo Huddle year-long curriculum takes care of that for you.

Teaching Kids Social-Emotional Skills

How Does HeyKiddo Huddle Work?

As a comprehensive social-emotional curriculum, the HeyKiddo Huddle program integrates critical SEL skills into daily learning and living. It requires zero-prep work (<–something I love as a busy mom!) and can be done in 15-minutes a day or about an hour a week if you’d rather do it all at once.

The daily conversations and optional creative activities adjust to each child’s needs and make sure that he or she stays engaged.

The curriculum builds mindfulness, a positive growth mindset, empathy, self-awareness, critical thinking skills, resilience, and more.

It also helps to develop a stronger bond with your child or students as it gives you insight into their thought processes and habits.

What Supports Are in Place for Parents/Teachers?

One of the things I love about HeyKiddo Huddle is that it’s not just a bunch of questions and then you’re sent on your way. There’s an entire dashboard that gives you access to a variety of lessons and their accompanying activities. You can rate how your student is progressing and see the areas where she needs a bit more practice and where she’s doing well.

It guides parents/teachers through exactly what you need to do, what you need to ask, and how to handle the answers that your child(ren) might give to the questions.

As a parent/teacher, it gave me the confidence to delve into those deep conversations without worrying that I was going to “mess it up” somehow. Peace of mind is priceless!

Teaching Kids Social-Emotional Skills

The Village Behind HeyKiddo

Since helping children develop social-emotional skills is so important, you don’t want to trust the instruction to just any old curriculum. You want one that’s proven and tested.

HeyKiddo Huddle is the only social emotional curriculum that has been funded twice by the National Science Foundation.

It was developed and tested by expert psychologists and educators who know what it takes to move children beyond those surface conversations so that they can develop a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.

And HeyKiddo Huddle has been used by real-life families (like mine!) who know that it works.

Give your family a chance to experience HeyKiddo Huddle for themselves and increase your child(ren)’s social-emotional skills by signing up now for major discounts on HeyKiddo’s award-winning products! Save 20% off all annual subscriptions and 10% off all monthly subscriptions using the promo code HKIHN when signing up. The offer ends June 20, 2022.

Hey Kiddo Promotion Code Graphic

You can also enter the giveaway below! Two winners will each get a 1-year subscription to HeyKiddo Huddle!


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