Free ASL Classes {Spring 2023}

As a former teacher turned homeschool mom, I was thrilled to learn about the free American Sign Language (ASL) classes being offered by the Oklahoma School for the Deaf this spring.

Free ASL Classes

Learn Sign Language

The program encourages people from all levels and backgrounds to further their knowledge of ASL and gain insight into the deaf community.

The free classes are open to anyone wishing to expand their communication repertoire and better connect with students who are hard of hearing.

You do not need to be a resident of or teacher in Oklahoma to take the classes!

About the ASL Lessons

The classes are taught completely online, so participants can participate from anywhere.

There is also no sound to the lessons – which I will admit that I initially found unnerving but have discovered to be helpful as I focus on the signs and how to demonstrate them.

Students will learn about the basics of ASL, as well as more advanced techniques such as facial expressions and body language.

Free ASL Classes

Not only do these programs provide participants with essential methods for engaging deaf students, but they also help promote understanding of deaf culture.

By educating ourselves on sign language, we can make our classrooms more inclusive environments and better accommodate our hard-of-hearing students’ needs.

For homeschoolers, this is a great way to add a language to your lesson plans and have your kids take the classes along with you!

Enroll in the Free ASL Classes

For those interested in learning more about this free opportunity, the Oklahoma School for the Deaf’s website has additional information.

Find out about the classes and how to register here!

With free access to ASL classes offered by experts in the field, there has never been a better time than now for those interested to increase their knowledge of sign language!

Free ASL Classes

Don’t miss out on the free American Sign Language classes offered by the Oklahoma School for the Deaf this spring! Sign up today and learn how to better connect with your hard-of-hearing students.


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