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How to Develop a Homeschool Curriculum

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Depending on your level of experience and comfort level when it comes to teaching, you might decide to develop a homeschool curriculum that’s highly personalized for your kids.

How to Develop a Homeschool Curriculum

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I always took the eclectic approach, because my kids were always interested in different things and at different times.

I never really found a “one size fits all” homeschool curriculum and that’s okay.

When you’re thinking about developing your own curriculum though, there are some things to keep in mind.

Remember, every state will be different in terms of homeschool laws, so check everything against those regulations before beginning.

That being said, here are a few helpful tips on how to develop a homeschool curriculum that will work best for your family!​

Creating Your Own Homeschool Curriculum

What Are My State’s School Standards?

Before you get started with developing your homeschool curriculum, know your state’s school standards.

Some states have stricter homeschool laws than others.

Also, many states have adopted core requirement standards.

You might also want to check out what’s being taught at each grade level in your state and use that as a guide.

If you intend to have your kids enter the public school system at some point, it’s especially helpful to know what kids their age are learning.

How Can I Make Our Homeschool Curriculum Fit Our Lifestyle?

The beauty of developing your own homeschool curriculum is that you can build it around your lifestyle.

After all, the point of homeschool is to find a schooling method that works best for your child.

If you’re a family that’s always on the go, you can even design a curriculum that teaches lessons through everyday activities.

Keep in mind that you can also adapt as needed.

So, if your home life suddenly changes, don’t be afraid to adjust your curriculum to fit your current needs.

There are a lot of different programs and resources out there that can step in as substitutes should the need arise.

How to Develop a Homeschool Curriculum

Is Developing Your Own Homeschool Curriculum Something You Can Commit to All Year Long?

This may be the most important question to ask yourself of all.

If you do everything yourself, it can become quite overwhelming and exhausting.

Fortunately, there are many resources out there, many of them free, that can fill in the gaps in your own curriculum.

You don’t have to do all the work yourself if you don’t want to or have the ability to.

Pre-made curriculums are okay to use at any time!​

Developing your own homeschool curriculum takes a lot of research and a healthy dose of confidence, but it’s a great way to make sure that your kids are getting the right education for them.

Have questions about developing your own homeschool curriculum?

Leave a comment below or start a conversation to the right and I’ll be happy to help!

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