How To Upcycle Toilet Paper Rolls

How To Upcycle Toilet Paper Rolls

Instead of tossing them in the recycle bin, here are a few creative ways to re-purpose these simple cardboard rolls. What’s even better is that most of these crafts are great for the kids to do too!

Bird Feeder

All you need for this is some peanut butter, bird seed, twine or ribbon, and of course, a toilet paper roll. Take your toilet paper roll and cover the outside with peanut butter. Then, spread out the bird seed, and roll the peanut butter covered tube in the bird seed until it is completely coated. Finally, put the piece of twine or ribbon through the tube and hang it up outside. Watch the birds enjoy their new feeder!

Gift or Favor Box

Decorate a toilet paper roll with pretty paper or paint. Then, simply fold the ends in on each side to close the holes (think pillow-box). These are great for small gifts or favors. They could even be used to hand out on Halloween when filled with candy!

Fly Strip

To create a homemade fly strip, you will need a toilet paper roll, tape (double-sided tape is easiest to use), a spritz of apple cider vinegar, and a string. Cover the roll with tape, then lightly spray it with a small amount vinegar to attract the pests. Hang with a string and watch those bugs get stuck!

Seedling Starter

Use toilet paper rolls to create containers for seedlings. By cutting a toilet paper roll in half, it becomes the perfect size for a seedling. Fill the roll with soil and dampen before sowing in your seed. For multiple seedlings, try arranging the tubes in a small container. After the seedling begins to sprout, you can replant the whole thing in the ground as the toilet paper roll will decompose over time.

Desk Organizer

This is a great project if you have multiple toilet paper rolls. You will need several rolls, a shoebox, and whatever you want to decorate them with (paint, paper, etc). Cut your tubes to various sizes. Paint or decorate the rolls and shoebox. Organize the rolls upright in the shoebox so they all fit in there snugly. Add pens, pencils, scissors, paperclips, and whatever else is on your desk into your new organizer!

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