It’s a Charming Life!

It’s a Charming Life!
Disclaimer: I received a free bracelet and charms from CHARM IT! in exchange for writing a review on the blog. All opinions are my own.

It is those moments that I want to bottle and hold on to for those times when things are not going so well. After the birth of our first son twelve years ago, my husband bought me a charm bracelet. It is a beautiful reminder filled with special moments in the form of tiny charms.

When my daughter saw it she oohed and aahed and proclaimed that she too would have a charm bracelet one day. A few days later we happened to be at a store where we discovered CHARM IT! bracelets and charms. They were perfect for her with their durable and adorable kid-friendly charms and jeweled bracelets. I knew I had found the perfect birthday present and planned on returning to start her charm bracelet collection. Imagine my excitement when I learned that CHARM IT! was going to be partnering with Crayola for the 2014 CHARM IT! Crayola Creativity Design-A-Charm Contest. Young artists will be invited to submit their original charm drawings for a chance to see their concept selected and turned into a charm. The contest runs from April 23rd through May 21st. As a homeschooling mom, anytime I can combine learning with fun, I’m sold!

I contacted CHARM IT! to find out more about the contest and was offered the opportunity to review a bracelet and give one away to my wonderful readers – that’s YOU! My daughter selected her charms and, a few days later, her beautiful charm collection arrived. A Heart Guitar for her love of music, a Glitter Sneaker because she loves to play outside, a Heart Flag to remind her of her favorite parade on the 4th of July, the Eiffel Tower because she wants to visit it one day, and a Birthday Balloon clipped easily and securely on to her jeweled CHARM IT! bracelet. She said she loves it, because the bracelet and charms are more than just a piece of jewelry – “they are also memories.” I love that she now has a way to gather those special moments in her childhood in the form of charms for her bracelet.

The charms are easy to clip on, but secure enough that they do not pop off. As with any bracelet, it is always a good idea to be careful when pulling off coats or shirts as the charms can easily get caught on the fabric. The charms themselves are colorful, fun, and well made. I was concerned that they would not be durable since my daughter likes to play with the best of them, but they are perfectly designed to withstand the activities of childhood. Due to their small size, however, I would not recommend them for children under 5.

In honor of Disney’s release of Frozen on March 18th, I am excited to partner with CHARM IT! and offer you a chance to win a Princess CHARM IT! bracelet for your little girl! While this particular bracelet will come complete with five beautiful Disney Princess charms, there is plenty of room left to add charms from special events throughout your daughter’s childhood. Here is the bracelet you could win:

It’s a Charming Life!

Isn’t it adorable?! The contest is open to residents of the 48 contiguous states and runs through 11:59pm EST Sunday, March 23rd, 2014. Entering is quick and easy through the form below. Stay tuned for more information about the 2014 CHARM IT! Crayola Creativity Design-A-Charm Contestand good luck!

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