Snowflake Activities: Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Snowflakes

Let it snow!

Snowflakes are beautiful, intricate, and fascinating.

Teach kids about snowflakes with these fun snowflake activities.

Snowflake Activities Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Snowflakes

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Learning Through Snowflake Activities

Hands-on learning is the key to success.

Not only do students retain information better when they engage their five senses, but they also enjoy themselves!

Snowflake activities and snowflake crafts are fun and memorable ways to teach kids about snowflakes.

When it comes to snowflakes, there is a lot to learn!

You can cover the three stages of matter (since ice is frozen water), crystal formation, symmetry, weather, and the uniqueness of snowflakes.

Bring these concepts to life with fantastic snowflake activities for kids.

Snowflake Activities Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Snowflakes

The Best Snowflake Activities

From simple activities to snowflake crafts with a wow factor, this list will surely be a hit with your kids.

Snowflake Crystal Science Experiment

This snowflake crystal science experiment uses Borax, a common laundry additive.

Dipping pipe cleaner in dissolved Borax allows you to create gorgeous crystals, just like snowflakes’ crystals.

You can even color the Borax mixture to create crystals of many shades!

It’s the perfect way to see for yourself how crystals are formed.

Signature Paper Snowflakes

We all remember folding paper into triangles, cutting little slits in the paper, and then unfolding the paper to reveal beautiful paper snowflakes.

Making signature paper snowflakes can take this activity to the next level.

Do your kids like Star Wars?

These Star Wars snowflakes come in patterns like Boba Fett and Jaba the Hutt.

Perhaps you have fans of Disney’s Frozen.

Check out these Frozen snowflake templates, from Anna to Elsa to Olaf!

Snowflake Activities Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Snowflakes

Snowflake Symmetry

Snowflakes are beautiful examples of symmetry, and this fine-motor math and art activity is perfect for S.T.E.A.M learning.

These snowflake symmetry printables teach symmetry in a hands-on way, and the prep couldn’t be simpler.

Just click and print!

Snowflake Sensory Scape

Have you ever used snow powder?

You add water to it to create a moist, crumbly snow-like powder.

Fill a plastic bin with moistened snow powder and round glass gems.

Kids will love playing with the powder and designing their own snowflakes with glass gems.

A word of caution: Snow powder is not safe to eat.

Make sure your kids don’t put it in their mouths.

Popsicle Stick Snowflake Craft

Notched popsicle sticks are the perfect building toy, but they have a second excellent use: snowflake crafts.

Use a dab of glue to arrange 8 popsicle sticks in a snowflake pattern.

Smear them with glitter glue so they shimmer.

You can attach a string to let the snowflake dangle.

Snowflake Activities Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Snowflakes

Beaded Snowflake Craft

This beaded snowflake craft requires only pipe cleaners and colorful pony beads.

The color combinations are endless!

It’s a great way to make a snowflake and work on color sequencing simultaneously.

Learning About Snowflakes with Fun Snowflake Activities

Snowflakes are magical; they capture the imagination.

Kids love to learn about snowflakes.

Make those lessons fun with some snowflake activities and snowflake crafts.

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