Free Homeschool Curriculum Ideas

Not sure where to start when it comes to homeschooling?

These free homeschool curriculum ideas will inspire and motivate you!

Free Homeschool Curriculum Ideas -

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Homeschooling and Curriculum

Homeschooling your little one can be tricky, especially if you have no set routine or a proper curriculum to follow.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to create a free homeschool curriculum using the resources around you.

Here are some of the best, easiest to follow free homeschool curriculum ideas that you can use to get started right away!

Free Homeschool curriculum ideas

Animal Exploration

Probably one of the most fun and interesting topics you can make a part of your child’s homeschool curriculum is animal life.

There’s so much to learn about the animals around us, and so many activities you can get your hands on that the possibilities for creating free curriculum are endless.

For instance, in winter, you can dedicate an entire week to teach your child about arctic animals.

In the spring, learn about the life cycle of butterflies and chicks.

Use the seasons and the animals around you as inspiration.

Our Favorite Free Resources for Animal Exploration:

Fun and Free Homeschool Curriculum Ideas-

Festivals and Holidays

Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Saint Patrick’s Day – the list of holidays to use as homeschool curriculum inspiration is endless!

There are so many different festivals and holidays you can introduce your little one to!

Make them a part of your child’s homeschool curriculum by learning about the meaning behind them and how they’re typically celebrated.

Try working in crafts or projects around different holidays to make them even more fun for your child to learn about!

Our Favorite Free Resources for Holiday and Festival Fun:

Math Week

From counting activities to higher-level math worksheets, there’s a lot you can do in this area and polish up your little one’s math skills.

Try sneaking in some math-themed activities every day for an entire week, regardless of what theme you’re sticking to.

You can easily adapt math problems to fit with the unit you’re studying.

Our Favorite Free Math Resources:

Geography & The World

Another excellent area you can introduce your little one to is geography and regions.

From labeling different countries of the world or different states in your country to learning about soil characteristics and weather dynamics, there’s so much to explore!

Our Favorite Free Geography Resources:

Free and Fun Homeschool Curriculum Ideas for Homeschooling on a Budget -


If you’re thinking of introducing your little one to plant life there’s no better option than to start a garden!

Not only does gardening give kids a chance to get down and dirty, but it also teaches them so much about plants and their life cycle.

Gardening is also therapeutic- not just for adults, but children too.

It helps them learn so much and discover plant life from an entirely new perspective.

Our Favorite Free Plant/Gardening Resources:

Vehicle Exploration

Vehicles and different modes of transport are another fun subject you can incorporate into your child’s homeschool curriculum.

Simple activities like identifying the different types of vehicles, or coloring and labeling them, or working on a fill-in-the-blanks worksheet that focuses on vehicles are all fun learning activities.

Our Favorite Free Transportation Resources:

Science Experiments

We’ve saved the best for the last!

Science experiments are crazy interesting, and though they do need a bit of effort from your end, they are totally worth it!

Science can be one of the best ways to breathe some magic into your child’s homeschool curriculum.

Look up some fun activities online or grab an age-appropriate science experiment book.

Our Favorite Free Science Experiments:

There’s no limit to the types of free homeschool curriculum ideas you can use!

Look at the world around you and ask your child about his or her interests for inspiration.

You can do this!

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