Fun Facts About the Air Force

Learn all about the US military branch that deals with air and space with these fun facts about the Air Force.

Fun Facts About the Air Force

Basic Facts About the Air Force

The Air Force is a branch of the US Armed Forces that has the mission to fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace.

They have a wide variety of aircraft, including fighter jets, bombers, transport planes, and drones.

The Air Force was established as a separate military branch on September 18, 1947.

Before this, the military had used planes, but air operations were part of the Army.

Later, the Air Force controlled space missions when the US advanced into space.

In 2019, the Space Force split off from the Air Force and became its own branch of the armed forces.

Now that you know some basic facts about the Air Force, let’s dive into some fun facts!

Fun Facts About the Air Force

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Fun Facts About the Air Force

Learn more about this all-important branch of the military with these fun facts about the Air Force.

The Air Force Started After World War II

During World War II, the air was its own battlefield. In Europe, the US Army ran both land and sky missions.

(The Navy had its own planes capable of flying off aircraft carriers; they played a crucial role in the Pacific).

After the war, the US realized that air operations were so critical to modern warfare that it needed its own branch.

Congress passed the National Securities Act of 1947, establishing the Air Force as an independent branch.

The new Air Force had around 300,000 service members, most of whom had been brought over from the Army.

They had to transition the new service branch from wartime to peacetime.

Today, the Air Force Has over 300,000 Members

In 2023, the US Air Force had 330,000 active duty personnel.

When you factor in Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard, the number tops 500,000.

Air Force personnel can be pilots, flight crew, engineers, mechanics, intelligence specialists, security officers, and more.

Fun Facts About the Air Force

The Air Force Has a Motto and Song

The Air Force’s motto reflects its mission and commitment to excellence: “Aim High…Fly-Fight-Win.”

They also have a song, sometimes called the Air Force Song. It was written by Robert MacArthur Crawford in 1938.

Here are some of the lyrics:

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,

Climbing high into the sun,

Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder,

At ’em boys, give ’em the gun…

We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!

Nothing’ll stop the US Air Force!

The Top Rank in the Air Force Only Occurs in Wartime

The General of the Air Force is the top-ranking officer in the Air Force. They wear five silver stars on their uniform.

The rank is only held during wartime. It’s equivalent to a five-star general in the Army.

There are three ranking systems in the Air Force: enlisted, non-commissioned offices, and commissioned officers.

The enlisted ranks range from Airman Basic up to Senior Airman.

The non-commissioned officers range from Staff Sargeant to Chief Master Sargeant of the Air Force.

The commissioned officer rankings begin at Second Lieutenant and go up to General.

The Air Force Has Its Own College

The Air Force Academy is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Established in 1954, the Academy has the mission is to educate and train future commissioned officers in the Air Force.

The curriculum focuses on science, engineering, and technology; the students graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree.

They are also commissioned as second lieutenants upon graduation.

The Academy’s mascot is a falcon (of course!) and is nicknamed “The Bird.”

Fun Facts About the Air Force

The Air Force Flies the President

Since the President is the Commander in Chief of the US military, they fly in an Air Force plane.

This plane is called Air Force One. It is not the name of a specific plane; whichever plane the President flies in has the name.

Air Force One is typically a specialized Boeing 747. It has special communication capabilities, making it a mobile command center in emergencies.

It also features a conference area, dining suite, and operating room.

The First Female Fighter Pilot Was Major Nicole Malachowski

In 1976, the Air Force launched a training program for female pilots.

Since then, women have served as aviators (and other roles) in the Air Force.

In 2005, Nichole Malachowski became the first female to fly with the Thunderbirds, the prestigious US Air Force demonstration team.

The Largest Aircraft in the Air Force Is the C-5M Super Galaxy

The Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy is the largest aircraft in the Air Force.

It is a cargo plane capable of carrying 270,000 pounds of equipment, including military vehicles and helicopters.

The C-5M is approximately 247 feet long. That is about 100 feet longer than typical commercial aircraft.

The Fastest Aircraft Went Three Times the Speed of Sound

The Air Force’s SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest aircraft (with a crew) on record.

Although the aircraft is now retired, it could reach speeds over Mach 3, which means it went three times faster than the speed of sound.

Mach 3 is about 220,000 miles per hour!

Fun Facts About the Air Force

The Air Force Has a Creed

The Air Force has a creed that they recite at ceremonies and events. It is called “The Airman’s Creed” and reflects the integrity of the service branch.

Airman’s Creed

I am an American Airman. I am a Warrior. I have answered my Nation’s call.

I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight, and win. I am faithful to a proud heritage, a tradition of honor, and a legacy of valor.

I am an American Airman. Guardian of freedom and justice, my nation’s sword and shield, its sentry and avenger. I defend my country with my life.

I am an American Airman. Wingman, Leader, Warrior. I will never leave an Airman behind, I will never falter, and I will not fail.

Read More About the Air Force

If you want to know more after reading these facts about the Air Force, check out these books.

The World Encyclopedia of Fighter Aircraft

This encyclopedia features vivid photos and fascinating descriptions of early airplanes to supersonic jets.

How to Become a US Air Force Fighter Pilot

This book for middle schoolers explains how they can become pilots in the Air Force.

Air Force Fun Facts

Have some high-flying fun with these interesting facts about the Air Force.

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