Time Capsule: Medieval England Unit Study Review
Do your kids love history? This Time Capsule: Medieval England Unit Study might be the perfect homeschool curriculum for them!

My children have always loved knights and anything Medieval England related. They’ve played with swords and shields (plastic and cardboard, of course), since the time they could hold them. So, when Michelle, the creator of the Time Capsule: Medieval England Unit Study, asked me if I’d be interested in reviewing the unit study for her, I jumped at the chance. Hearing that they could make swords and shields for school work had my kids over the moon excited!
The Time Capsule: Medieval England Unit Study (TC) is designed for students in grades 2-8 and focuses on the lives of men and women in Medieval times in England over the course of 12-weeks. Those weeks are broken down into sections for: peasants, tradesmen/tradeswomen, knights/ladies-in-waiting, monks/nuns, barons/baronesses, and knights/queens. Each section is designed for two-weeks of study.
The two-weeks per section worked out perfectly for us, because it allowed us to weave the curriculum into things that we were already doing without feeling rushed to get it all done in one week. If you aren’t doing another program, the TC could easily stand-alone curriculum with five activities listed per day for ten days. Your fall could be filled with all things Medieval! If you’re looking for a Fun Friday supplement, the TC would also be perfect, because it’s, well, fun!
Students get a real sense of what life was like during Medieval times as they explore the activities and get to dress up like the people they’re studying. Little Miss was thrilled to be a Queen and even more thrilled that there were so many hands-on activities. If your children are kinesthetic learners, this is filled with lessons and activities that they’ll love! If you’re looking for a lot of worksheets and copy work, you won’t find much of it here. The focus is definitely on experiential learning.
I had the kids keep journals throughout the unit and jot down information that they learned throughout so that it would help with retention of the information, as well as their handwriting. Be prepared for your quick thinking, handwriting-lesson-opposed child to question the journaling part…”After all, peasants rarely knew how to read or write and it’s important to stay in character, Mom.” Ah, yes.
One of the activities that the kids loved and stayed consistent with was the photography. They spent quite a bit of time exploring the different features of their cameras and capturing the day in pictures. I loved that it was included in the unit, because it really brought out a different side in my middle son who usually prefers to just get in and out and get his work done. He really got into the photography though which was great to see.
I think one of my favorite lessons in the TC was the Medieval Feast in Week 11. It’s no secret that I am not an enthusiastic cook, but the 11 year old took on this lesson with gusto! He made a mean roasted pork loin and was all too happy to make trenchers for us to use with the meal. Little Miss, of course, was all over the decorating of the dining room, so it was truly a meal to experience!
With over 300 lessons included in the TC, there is tons of variety and activity options. From writing, geography, social studies, language arts, and drama to drawing, cooking, science, math, and art, the curriculum covers all core and most elective subjects. The best part? It’s so much fun that the kids know they’re learning, but they don’t see it as “school work”.
- Fun, kinesthetic learning
- Over 300 lesson ideas
- All of the lessons are planned out and easy to implement
- Appealed to all of our children (ages 7, 11, and 13)
- Easy to adapt to your schedule
- Can be used as a stand-alone curriculum, a filler, a Fun Friday unit study for the entire school year, or as a summer experience
- Lots of activity choices and ideas
- Includes tons of resources
- You need to read ahead and prep materials for the upcoming week. I forgot to do this as thoroughly as I should have for a couple of weeks and we got stuck about to do an activity and then realizing we didn’t have everything we needed.
And that’s really the only con I can think of for it…
It’s a fun, engaging curriculum that really makes history come alive. On a scale of 1-10, I’d happily give the Time Capsule: Medieval England Unit Study a 9.5 and would highly recommend it to families with students who:
- are kinesthetic learners
- who are imaginative and creative
- like to have fun during the school day
This school year, go back in time and enjoy all that Medieval England has to offer!