Veterans Day Activities for Kids

How do you help make Veterans Day more meaningful for kids? Try some of these Veterans Day activities!

Basic Facts About Veterans Day

Veterans Day has its roots in Armistice Day.

In 1918, at the end of World War I, the fighting between Germany and Allied forces ended when both sides signed the armistice (an armistice is another word for a truce).

The armistice was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in other words, November 11 at 11 am.

In 1926, the US Congress stated the day should be celebrated with thanksgiving, prayer, and exercises to promote peace.

Congress made Armistice Day, November 11, an official federal holiday in 1938.

In 1954 After the Korean War, veterans asked the name be changed to recognize veterans from all US wars, not just World War I.

Fun Fact: There is no apostrophe in Veterans Day (it’s not spelled Veteran’s Day or Veterans’ Day).

That is because when Congress passed the law, they spelled it “Veterans Day” on the bill–no apostrophe!

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Veterans Day Activities

Today we can honor the intention of the day by remembering our veterans, those who have served and are serving in the US Armed Forces.

We can also “participate in an exercise to promote peace.”

Start with some of the these Veterans’ Day Activities for Kids.

Display the Flag

The American flag symbolizes our country, and we remember the men and women who have fought to defend it all and all that it represents.

Hang some American flags for Veterans Day.

You can even make your own with this American flag craft.

Make Symbolic Desserts

Veterans Day is not about eating. But you can sprinkle reminders of the day’s meaning into all you do.

Make some of these patriotic desserts (in the flag colors of red, white, and blue).

It will keep Veterans Day at the forefront of your mind.

Veterans Day Read Alouds

These books highlight the critical contributions of veterans.

Write a Letter to a Veteran

Perhaps you know a veteran and can write that person a thank you letter.

You can also write a letter to a veteran you don’t know through the BRAVE organization.

They send letters and care packages to veterans in retirement homes.

Attend a Veterans Day Parade

Almost every state in the US has a Veterans Day parade.

Do an internet search to find one in your area. And bring a flag to wave!

If a parade is too far, contact your local VFW to see if there is a military color guard ceremony at a location near you.

Schedule a Virtual Tour of the National Veterans Memorial and Museum

The National Veterans Memorial and Museum hosts 60-minute virtual tours.

The cost is $100 per tour and is best suited for students in grades 4-12.

Schedule one for your school or go in with friends to book a tour.

Ask a Veteran to Visit Your School or Homeschool Group

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) holds education as one of its missions.

Their members will even visit classrooms, tell their stories, bring memorabilia, etc.

Visit their site to find out more.

Raise Money for a Veterans Organization

Our servicemen and women have risked everything to serve and protect our country.

Encourage your kids to hold a fundraiser (like a lemonade stand) or donate their change to a veterans organization like the Wounded Warrior Project.

Write a Veterans Day Poem

Encourage your kids to respond to a Veterans Day writing prompt.

They could write an acrostic poem, like this one for HERO

Helping, serving, sacrificing
Even when it was hard
Ready to stand up for our freedom
Our protectors of peace

You could use words like PEACE, VETERANS DAY, THANKS, and FREEDOM.

When your kids are finished, they could send a copy of the poem to a veteran!

Veterans Day Activities for Children

Don’t let Veterans Day slip by without observing it.

It is a day of remembrance, thankfulness, and peace.

Make it more memorable and meaningful with some Veterans Day activities for kids.

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