25 Technology-Free Activities for Kids and Families

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Cell-phones, video-games, televisions, and computers have taken over kids’ lives by storm.
While a certain level of exposure to all these technologies is essential, it is also important to involve your children in other activities, whether indoors or outdoors, that encourage them to spend some quality time with their family.
25 Tech-Free Activities for Kids
1.Engage your kids in the kitchen by having them help measure out ingredients for cookies.
Too hot to turn the oven on?
Try making trail-mix instead!
2.During the summers, work together to make Jell-o or homemade ice pops
3.Teach your kids how to use the rolling pin to flatten out modeling dough and give them plastic cookie cutters to cut out shapes for fun.
4.Spread out a big sheet of paper on the dining table and encourage them to finger paint and get messy.
Be sure to put an inexpensive plastic tablecloth on the floor to protect your carpet or hardwood from any drips and spills!
One of dad’s old t-shirts works well as a kid-size smock too.
5.Build sand castles on the beach (or in the sandbox in the backyard) and let them be creative.
6.Buy water guns for the kids and let them soak one another freely outdoors.
Don’t forget one for yourself (or pick up the hose!) and join in the fun.
7.Read out the grocery list while shopping and ask your child to put the items in the cart or check them off the list.
8.Make reading fun by making sounds and faces to go along with the story as you read aloud
9.Get age appropriate comics for your kids to get them in the habit of reading.
10.Get all the balls together from the toy basket and play giant marbles in the backyard for fun.
11.Take out the Frisbee and have some quality family time. Get the dog to join in, as well!
12.Get a basketball hoop so the kids can entertain themselves and get some exercise at the same time.
13.Pack a picnic basket and have a backyard picnic.
14.Go camping for some hands on nature fun.
Don’t feel like going to a campground?
Camp out in the backyard!
15.Enroll the kids in a pottery or art class during breaks.
Kids love getting their hands dirty!
16.Go for a bike ride.
17.Have a Family Game Night and bring out your favorite board and card games.
18.Play with sidewalk chalk and decorate the sidewalk around your home.
19.Build with blocks, LEGOs, or Lincoln Logs.
20.Make homemade gummy snacks in fun, kid-friendly ice cube trays.
21.Turn the living room into a fort by using the sofa cushions as walls and bed sheets for the roof.
22.Set up a lemonade stand and raise money for a children’s charity or animal shelter.
23.Plant seeds in small clay pots and start an herb garden.
24.Go hunting for shells at the beach.
25.Visit a local park, museum, or zoo.
What are some of your favorite tech-free activities for kids?
Share them with us below!