If you have been thinking about changing or adding a new homeschool math curriculum to your lessons, Teaching Textbooks is one you don’t want to miss!
Digital Homeschool Math Curriculum
We first started using Teaching Textbooks when the boys were younger and continued using it as our main homeschool math curriculum for years. The new 4.0 version that I had the opportunity to review and work with continues to demonstrate the commitment to high-quality math curriculum that Teaching Textbooks is known for. It absolutely does not disappoint!
What is Teaching Textbooks?
Teaching Textbooks is a homeschool math curriculum for Math 3 through Pre-Calculus. While it used to have great options for workbooks, they have improved the quality and scope of instruction so much in the new 4.0 version that the workbooks just don’t hold a candle to the terrific aspects of the online version.
Online is a bit of a misnomer for the new version as well, because the 4.0 Teaching Textbooks programs rely on downloads to your computer. Constant internet access is not required which makes it a fabulous option for those who don’t consistently have a great internet connection or who are roadschooling.
Downloading Sounds Scary. Do I Have to Download It?
In short, yes. The new Teaching Textbooks comprehensive math curriculum requires that you download the program or app to your device. You can use it with an iPad or Android tablet, or a Windows-based or Mac computer. We use it with a 2018 iMac and have had no issues running it.
The great thing about the new program is that it doesn’t download everything at once which result in a gigantic download that would take a long time and a sustained internet connection. Instead, it downloads lessons in small batches so that they are always available to your child, but they don’t require a lot of internet resources.
With the programs on your device, it also means you can use them when there is no internet connection! You can even test it out with their free trial which gives you the first 15 lessons of any grade level!
What are the Teaching Textbooks Math Programs Like?
As I mentioned earlier, we have been using Teaching Textbooks for years, so we have tried everything from Grade 3 math through Pre-Calculus. The lessons have always been and continue to be:
- comprehensive
- on-target
- user-friendly
- and fun!
Each lesson provides a lecture, practice, and problems. Students can go back and watch the lecture at anytime if they feel like they need help or clarification on a subject.
One of my favorite aspects of the Teaching Textbooks program is that it provides an audio voiceover for each problem. As the mom of a child with dyslexia, that is a HUGE bonus because it meant that my oldest could work independently on his math curriculum without me needing to read every problem or lecture to him.
Benefits of Teaching Textbooks for Parents and Students
There are a lot of homeschool math programs out there, but Teaching Textbooks is one that we came back to year after year. It offered the kind of immediate feedback, in-depth tutoring and fun that made math enjoyable for our kids.
Some of the benefits for parents include:
- Gradebook Access for easy end of year reporting (this was SO helpful when we did our end of year portfolios!)
- Ability to control where a student is working in the curriculum
- Ability to regulate how many lessons a child is doing each day (no rushing through assignments!)
- One curriculum is all you need for the year – supplemental programs aren’t needed so you save money!
- Children can work independently (insert the sound of angels singing!)
- It can be used offline so even if your internet is spotty your homeschool plans for the day won’t be thrown off!
Some of the benefits for students, as told by my kids, include:
- “It’s fun! It makes math work fun.”
- “It provides really good instruction so that I could understand each math concept.”
- “I like doing it on the computer.”
- “I learned a lot from doing Teaching Textbooks.”
The Final Word on Teaching Textbooks Homeschool Math Curriculum
On a scale of one to five, we give Teaching Textbooks 4.0 a five! The programs are so robust and the new 4.0 version is so engaging and interactive that we hands-down recommend it as an outstanding homeschool math curriculum!
Have a question about Teaching Textbooks? Check out their site for more information – they have a great FAQ page! You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram to see how others are using the programs.
Have a question for me about our experience? Leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to give you our opinion based on our experience with the programs!