Decimals Multiplication Virtual Escape Room
Multiplying decimals is not for the faint of heart!
Give your students the extra practice they need to master those decimal multiplication skills with this FREE Decimals Multiplication Virtual Escape Room!

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Multiplying Decimals with a Digital Activity
“I love multiplying decimals!” said no one ever.
BUT kids love escape rooms and teachers love how easy they are to use, so this decimals multiplication escape room just might make everything a bit less stressful!
Featuring 20 multiplication questions of varying difficulties, this digital escape room is perfect for use in your fourth, fifth, or sixth-grade classroom.
Students complete the math problems and, as they get a problem correct, they move on to the next one.
They can’t move on until the one they’re working on is correct though, so you will know that they have mastered all of the questions when they turn in their answer sheets.
Speaking of answer sheets, this FREE digital escape room comes with free answer sheets for your students.
There’s one version that just has the lines for them to write down the answer.
The other version actually has space for them to work on the problem so that you’ll be able to see their problem-solving skills.
At the end of Decimals Multiplication Escape Room is a secret word.
Students can jot down the word on their answer sheets so that you’ll know they’ve completed everything.
Those free answer sheets (and an answer key for the teacher!) can be found in the Freebies Library. If you’re a member you can sign in here.
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How to Use Escape Rooms in the Classroom
Whether you’re using this Decimals Multiplication Virtual Escape Room or one of our other escape rooms, there are a lot of ways to use them in the classroom or when you’re homeschooling.
Each escape room focuses on specific skills, topics, or holidays.
That means that you can give your students extra practice in areas where they need a bit more help.
Use the digital escape rooms if you’re teaching virtually or in person.
They can be played on iPads, tablets, computers, and even smartphones!
They’re great for math centers, extra practice, early finishers work, Friday Fun activities, indoor recess, and more! There’s no limit to how you can use them or when.

Ready to play the Decimals Multiplication Virtual Escape Room? Let’s go!
Decimals Multiplication Digital Escape Room
Directions: Complete the digital escape room below by solving the decimal multiplication problems.
Write the answer to each problem on your answer sheet.
When you have completed all of the problems, you will be given a secret word to write down on your paper before turning it in.
Don’t forget to write your name on your answer sheet!
You can also access the escape room directly from this link.
We hope you had fun playing the Decimals Multiplication Virtual Escape Room! Be sure to try out all of our other escape rooms too!