We all could use some strategies for engaging children every now and then. Here are some fresh ideas to help with your homeschooling lull.
Engaging Children
Some kids are willing to sit at the table each morning and do their work without a problem.
Others are more of a challenge to engage in their studies.
Try some of these strategies for engaging children to help your more reluctant learners become more easily engaged.
These strategies for engaging children are a great addition to your homeschool to bring it to life.
They are perfect when your homeschool feels stale and drab, and everyone is tired of your routine.
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Strategies for Engaging Children
1. Incorporate a variety of activities into the homeschool program to keep students active and motivated.
Activities may include hands-on activities, virtual field trips, games, and more!
There are endless possibilities you can bring into your homeschool to keep your kids motivated to keep learning.
2. Make use of technology tools to help facilitate learning as well as to collaborate with others.
Video conferencing is an excellent way for peers and teachers to communicate.
It can also be used to talk with experts, lead book discussions, or take a virtual field trip.
This is one of the strategies for engaging children that will bring instant engagement.
3. Encourage self-directed exploration of topics that interest each student in order to foster their individual talents and interests.
Give time for your kids to explore topics of their choosing.
This will help them to take control of their learning.
What better strategy for engaging children than having them pick out what they want to learn about?
Of course, they will be engaged!
Read more about self-directed learning in this blog post.
4. Develop an activity plan that includes a combination of structured activities and unstructured activities.
Structured activities are predetermined for the child, such as assignments.
Unstructured activities are things like making a movie or writing stories.
A balance of both keeps things interesting for the kids (and you!) while allowing them to get their bookwork completed and allowing time for fun.
5. Allow plenty of outdoor time so kids can stay active during the day while exploring their environment or participating in sports or other outdoor activities.
Getting kids outside isn’t always easy, but it is highly beneficial. Something about the outdoors calms people down and pulls them in.
It is one of the best strategies for engaging children because there is so much to do outside!
6. Introduce different media sources to give students a better understanding of the world around them.
Show your kids that there are many ways to obtain information.
Get them engaging with various media sources like newspapers, podcasts, and radio shows so they can experience different perspectives, ways of relaying information, and media formats.
7. Arrange regular visits (either virtual or in person) with other homeschoolers or teachers in order to get some perspective on educational practices outside the home environment.
Allowing your children a chance to interact and empathize with other homeschoolers is a unique opportunity.
It brings to light the difference between homeschools and may spark some ideas to incorporate into your homeschool.
8. Take breaks throughout the day to allow for creative thinking and restful moments.
Have your kids take full advantage of not having to sit at a desk all day by having breaks.
These pockets of time set aside for rest or creative thinking are essential. It’s hard for kids to focus for five minutes, let alone five hours.
Allowing them to be creative or rest will refresh them and prepare them to work when you start again.
This is one of the most essential strategies for engaging children.
However, remember that it’s equally important that the educator also has a chance to rest and be creative.
9. Utilize incentives for completing a task such as a reward, special treat, extra play time, etc.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was self-motivated all the time?
Sometimes all it takes is the knowledge of getting a sticker or going outside after a task is done to get your reluctant learners to finish their tasks.
10. Have fun!
Homeschooling is an amazing opportunity for parents to bond with their children through learning experiences, so try new approaches and take advantage of all it has to offer!
Engaging Homeschooled Children
Help to get your kids motivated to learn with these simple ideas. What one of these strategies for engaging children will you try out this week?