What is CTC Math?
You may have heard about it in homeschool groups and online, but what is CTC Math anyway?
Get the details about this proven online math curriculum!
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Disclosure: I was compensated for my time writing this post. All opinions are my own.
Online Math Program
There are a lot of online math curriculums out there for homeschoolers.
Some are great and some are not always a good fit.
One program that has consistently ranked high in both parent and student satisfaction is CTCMath.
Their Homeschool Family Membership is an economical choice for families homeschooling one child or many.
They know that funds are often tight for homeschool families where one parent is staying home, so they priced their curriculum at half-price for homeschoolers!
It’s a great way to consolidate all of your math curriculum for all of your children.
But what exactly is CTCMath and what makes it so great?
Let me explain.
Who is CTCMath For?
CTCMath is an online math curriculum for students in grades kindergarten through 12th.
That means you can use it with your high schooler, your middle schooler, and your elementary student all at the same time.
With three kids, I know how challenging it can be to organize and keep track of all of the curriculums and programs they were using.
CTCMath helped consolidate all of that and made it a breeze for them and for me!
How does that work?
Well, each student gets a separate account where their assignments and work are stored.
There is no chance of them accidentally doing their sibling’s work or being assigned the wrong level of work because they each have their own online space within the math program.
Moving at Their Own Pace
My kids have very different learning styles and paces of learning.
While one is able to breeze quickly through things, another prefers to be more methodical, and the other needs a lot of repetition.
One of the biggest pros for our family about CTC Math is that students move at their own pace.
That means that each child can work through the material at their own speed with no penalty for taking more time or moving ahead quickly.
If you have a student who is ahead in math, this is especially helpful because CTC Math allows you to assign work based on where your student is – not what “grade level” they would traditionally be in.
So, if your 8th grader needs practice with his times tables, you can assign multiplication work!
Conversely, if your 4th grader is ready to tackle traditional 6th grade work, there is no reason why you can’t move ahead.
CTCMath is student-focused, not grade-level focused.
That’s not to say things aren’t arranged by traditional grade levels – it just means your child is not pigeonholed into one grade’s work for the school year.
Video Lessons That Really Teach Concepts
I remember trying to help my then-high schooler with a geometry concept when he was taking a class at the local public school.
We watched the video his teacher suggested as a resource and looked at each other still bewildered.
His comment? “CTCMath would have explained this a lot better.”
CTCMath prevents that bewildered expression and the frustration that comes along with not understanding a key concept by creating lesson videos that actually explain the concepts in a way students can understand.
You would think that would be a given in all math curriculums, but it isn’t and that’s why CTC Math really stands out as a top homeschool math pick.
See for yourself!
Check out these free online math tutorials to get a feel for what a lesson is like.
Parent Dashboard for Easy Reporting
If your state requires annual portfolios or progress reports, it can be time-consuming and stressful keeping track of everything.
CTC Math’s Parent Dashboard eliminates that stress and worry by saving you time with realtime updates on how your students are progressing.
Can’t log in all the time to check how they’re doing?
No worries!
You even get Weekly Reports emailed to you with your child’s progress.
From the Parent Dashboard you will assign your students lessons, diagnostics, and question banks.
One of things that I absolutely love about assigning things is that you have the option to hide the year level of lessons and diagnostics.
That means that if your child is struggling with math and needs to repeat some lessons from the previous year, there’s no indication on the child’s view that tells them what the grade level is.
That helps to maintain self-confidence and doesn’t make the child feel like he is “behind” in math.
Using CTC Math with Your Children
So, how do you get started using CTCMath with your own children this school year?
It’s simple!
This link gives you 50% off the regular price of a Homeschool Family Membership.
You can register for a single user or a family membership and save 50% on each. It’s also available in monthly or yearly payments to fit your budget and needs.
You won’t find that flexibility with many other homeschool curriculums!
I know there are a lot of math curriculums out there, but CTC Math is truly one of the best.
It’s a math program your students will actually enjoy using!