25 June Books for Kids
Kick off summer by reading some refreshing June books for kids. These books may even spark some summer play ideas for your kids at home.
Homeschool and classroom lesson ideas and activities for reading in elementary and middle school.
Kick off summer by reading some refreshing June books for kids. These books may even spark some summer play ideas for your kids at home.
Reading isn’t just for the eyes. Learn about ear reading and its multitude of benefits, especially for those with dyslexia.
Give your students a summer packet to help prevent the summer slide. Keep reading for some ideas of what to include.
The flowers are blooming all around. Grab some May books for kids and head outside to enjoy reading in beautiful weather.
Teaching reading can be challenging, but with the right supports in place, it doesn’t have to be daunting. Here are 5 must-have supports!
Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia…what do each of these entail? And is there anything that links them? Read on for a summary of the 3 Ds.
What exactly is dyslexia? Here’s what you need to know about dyslexia: what it is, how to spot it, and how to treat it.
Looking for poems for your teen? Keep reading to see the list of more than a dozen great books of poetry for teens and tweens.
Spark some fun today by doing secret code writing. Learning to make a secret code to cracking a coded message, your kids will love it all!
Spring has sprung! Ring in the change of season with these 25 March books for kids.
How do you help kids with dyslexia? For starters, you can start using dyslexia resources. We’ve got a list right here!
How do you tell the difference between adjacent consonants and consonant digraphs? And by the way, what are they? We’ve got the answers here!
Looking for an empowering picture or chapter book? Try one of these children’s books with strong female characters for the win!
Inspire your elementary students to love poetry and compose their own poems with these simple and fun activities.
Letters come in two varieties: vowels and consonants. Teaching vowels and consonants in a fun and memorable way is easy! Here’s how!
It’s the start of the new year! Why not make a resolution to inspire kids to read? You can make it happen with this list of 25 January books kids will love.
Not sure which word families to use? Check out this complete list of word families that are perfect for using when teaching elementary!
When you teach word families, you point out the patterns in words, making both reading and spelling easier to learn.
Not sure how to help students with dyslexia succeed in your classroom or homeschool? Here are some tips for making things equitable.
Get ready to keep your students entertained and engaged with these fun chapter book read aloud for 1st grade! They’re student favorites!