Decimals Place Value Digital Escape Room
Give your students a chance to practice their place value skills with this FREE Decimals Place Value Virtual Escape Room designed for students in upper elementary and middle school.

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What is an Escape Room?
Escape rooms feature activities that students need to complete in order to get to the end or to get the secret key.
In the case of our math escape rooms, students answer math problems in order to make their way to the end to get the secret word.
Each escape room focuses on a specific skill, topic, or holiday.
You can read more about how to use escape rooms in the classroom or when homeschooling in this article.
It gives some great ideas and makes it easy to incorporate the activities into your lesson plans.
What is the Decimals Place Value Escape Room?
The Decimals Place Value Digital Escape Room focuses on place value skills for decimals.
It includes 20 questions that students must answer before they are given the secret word.
The problems ask for students to identify the place value of a specific number and use that to answer the problem.
While the escape room is virtual, meaning that it’s all done on the computer, there is a free printable answer sheet and an answer key for teachers in our Freebies Library.
You can sign in here if you’re already a member (the password is always in the weekly newsletter) or sign-up below if you’re not a member yet.
There’s no cost to join.
The answer sheet allows students to jot down their answers to each problem and write the secret word down at the end.
This ensures that they have completed the escape room and gives teachers a tangible record of their efforts.
Keep in mind that they will not be able to advance until the problem is solved, so everyone will attain mastery if they get to the secret word.

How to Use the Decimals Place Value Escape Room
You can use the decimals place value escape room as a guided math center, as an activity for early finishers, for homework, or as a whole class activity to introduce the concept of decimal place values.
There’s no right or wrong way to use it!
The escape room is below but if you would like to assign it directly to your students without having them come to this page, the link to do so is under the embedded escape room.
Please keep in mind that you will not receive a copy of your students’ attempts, nor will you be able to see who has completed it.
If it’s an assignment vs. a free activity, I strongly suggest downloading the answer sheets from the Freebies Library and having students fill them out.
Let’s play!
Decimals Place Value Digital Escape Room
Assign the escape room directly from this link.
Escape Room Answer Sheets
As mentioned above, the escape room answer sheets and answer key are in the Freebies Library.
Sign in HERE to get it or sign-up below to join.