Online Reading Game for Kids
Online reading games help engage reluctant readers and teach them the skills they need to…
Online reading games help engage reluctant readers and teach them the skills they need to…
Minecraft has been a popular game for the past several years and it doesn’t look…
Today’s technology savvy kids have learned to navigate the Internet and hunt down what they…
The best way to help your child have fun while learning is to load up…
While we always look for free apps (who doesn’t?), there have been some great finds…
These preteens aren’t engaged by rudimentary games and scoff at cartoon characters for kids. Instead,…
Get them involved in The Hour of Code, of course! From December 8th-14th, more than…
Today I found this amazing article called “How to Set Up a Minecraft Server for Your…
In our homeschooling, we use Minecraft for a variety of lessons, because it is an activity that…
With topics ranging from science to history to math to current events, there has never…
Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure that the apps being used…
Occupy and engage their curious minds with some of the educational iPad apps below. They…