Halloween Party Food for Kids

Whether you are celebrating Halloween in the classroom or having your own homeschool Halloween celebration, it’s never complete without Halloween party food for kids!

Halloween Party Food Ideas for Kids

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The ideas below are fun and easy to make.

The best part?

Kids can help make them too!

This is a great way to combine math and language arts in your homeschool lessons.

Halloween Party Food Ideas

Mummy Hot Dogs

Halloween party food for kids would not be complete without the traditional Mummy Hot Dogs!

Using this Mummy Dog recipe, you can whip up a batch of spooky dogs in no time!

Serve with ketchup (blood), mustard (ooze), or relish (goo)!

White Chocolate Ghost Candies

To make white chocolate ghost candies, have your child dump a bag of white chocolate chips or melting candies into a microwave-safe bowl.

An adult should then microwave the candy for 10-second intervals until all of the candy has melted stirring the candy after each interval.

Once the white chocolate is melted, kids can take turns using a small spoon to scoop a blob of white chocolate onto a piece of wax paper.

They then use the spoon to push the chocolate down to form a ghost shape.

The shapes do not have to be perfect and are often spookier when they are irregular.

A big fat blob is totally acceptable!

To complete the white chocolate ghosts, have the kids lightly press mini-chocolate chips onto the white blobs to make the ghost’s eyes and mouth.

The white chocolate ghosts can be placed in the refrigerator to harden.

We found that it took a couple of hours for them to be totally hardened.

Once the ghosts are completely formed they can be peeled off of the wax paper and enjoyed during for the Halloween party food goodness that they are!

Halloween Party Food for Kids

Ghostly VEggie Potatoes

For a healthier ghost snack parents or teachers can whip up their favorite recipe for mashed potatoes – or break out the boxed potato flakes!

The only key is to make sure that they’re not too watery; we want ghosts who hold their shape!

After the potatoes are made and cooled slightly, kids can use their hands to make a ghost shape out of a scoop of mashed potatoes.

Use defrosted frozen peas to create a scary face for the ghost.

The mashed potato ghosts are placed onto a cookie sheet and baked in an oven at 350° until firm.

Serve this yummy Halloween party food as a side dish!

Jack-O-Lantern Quesadillas

All you need to make jack-o-lantern quesadillas is shredded cheese and tortillas.

Students can then choose the shapes they would like to see on their jack-o-lantern treat and an adult can cut out the shape with kitchen shears.

Have kids place shredded cheese on an uncut tortilla and the pumpkin face tortilla on top of the cheese.

An adult can then cook the quesadillas in a frying pan or on an electric griddle and places them on a plate for Halloween party food yumminess!

Fun and Easy Halloween Party Foods for Kids

Easy Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwich Spider Snacks

Ice cream sandwiches shaped like spiders are a refreshing sweet treat for Halloween.

The ice cream sandwich spiders are so easy to make that kids can make them during their classroom or homeschool Halloween party.

Before beginning to make the spider ice cream sandwiches a half-gallon of chocolate ice cream needs to be removed from the freezer and allowed to soften.

Kids can use a plastic knife to spread a small scoop of chocolate ice cream onto a chocolate chocolate chip cookie.

They can then place another cookie on top of the ice cream to create the spider’s body and add eight pretzel sticks or pieces of black licorice laces to the ice cream sandwich to make the spider’s legs.

Healthy Halloween Eye Ball Snack Recipe

One healthy Halloween snack that especially appeals to kids is grape eyeballs.

To make the Halloween party food treat, an adult uses a vegetable peeler to peel a pound of green grapes.

The grape eyeballs are placed into small cups and given to each child at the classroom Halloween party.

They feel just like one might imagine eyeballs feeling!

Halloween Party Foods

A Word on allergies and Halloween Party Food for Kids

Parents and teachers can substitute nut or gluten-free products for any children with allergies.

Sugary ingredients in dessert-style Halloween snacks can be replaced with similar shaped healthy foods for a more wholesome treat.

For instance, instead of crispy rice treats shaped like pumpkins, use a cookie cutter to make pumpkins out of cheese slices.

The opportunities are endless!

You can always go with non-food treats too; this glow in the dark slime is an excellently spooky example!

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