Weird Holidays in February

Want to make February even more special?

Try celebrating some of the weird holidays in February!

Weird Holidays In February

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February’s weird holidays

February is jammed packed with weird, wacky, and bizarre holidays. 

Check out this list for some of the most unusual reasons to celebrate in February.

unusual and weird holidays in February

February 1 – Hula in the Coola Day

Grab your grass skirts and start dancing! 

No matter what the temperature is today, get outside and hula. 

Get friends and family involved by hosting a luau to celebrate the history and art of this legendary Hawaiian dance.

February 2 – Tater Tot Day

February 3 – Doggie Date Night

February 4 – National Thank a Mailman (or Mailwoman) Day

Weird Holidays In February

February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day

February 6 – Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

If a simple bowl of ice cream deliciousness won’t suffice, try one of these super easy ice cream sandwiches!

They’re fun to make and perfect for kicking off an ice cream day!

February 7 – Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day

February 8 – National Kite Flying Day

Try making this fun kite craft to celebrate the day!

February 9 – Extraterrestrial Culture Day

On this day, all past, present and future extraterrestrial visitors are recognized. 

Check out the famous UFO crash site in Roswell, New Mexico or watch a movie about aliens to observe Extraterrestrial Culture Day.

February 10 – National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

February 11 – National Make a Friend Day

Weird Holidays In February

February 12 – National Lost Penny Day

February 13 – Get a Different Name Day

This unique holiday is made for all of those people who have a name they just don’t like. 

Rename yourself on this day, and ask everyone to address you as such. 

What new name would you like to go by today? 

February 14 – International Quirkyalone Day

February 15 – National Gumdrop Day

February 16 – Do a Grouch a Favor Day

February 17 – National Champion Crab Races Day

Weird Holidays In February

February 18 – Thumb Appreciation Day

Show some love to your thumbs today! 

Either try not to use them so you can appreciate them more; or try and do everything with just your thumbs.  

Whatever you decide, you get a thumbs up!

February 19 – International Tug-of-War Day

February 20 – Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day

February 21 – National Sticky Bun Day

February 22 – World Thinking Day

February 23 – Curling is Cool Day

Celebrate one of the world’s oldest team sports today – curling! 

Pushing heavy stones across ice, this classic game has stood the test of time. 

Observe Curling is Cool Day by doing a little curling of your own or watching a game on television.

Weird Holidays In February

February 24 – National Tortilla Chip Day

February 25 – Quiet Day

February 26 – Tell A Fairy Tale Day

February 27 – International Tongue Twister Contest Day

This is the day to get your tongue twisted by having a tongue twister contest. 

Gather your friends and challenge each of them to a tongue twister. 

Here’s one to get you started:

I thought a thought,

But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.

If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,

I wouldn’t have thought so much.

February 28 – National Tooth Fairy Day

Fun, Unusual, and Weird Holidays in February

From dancing the hula and eating tater tots to honoring your favorite tooth fairy, February has a fun and unique reason to celebrate everyday!

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