Family First Summer Activities: Week 4

Are you having a blast with your family this summer? Keep the momentum going with these easy and memorable family activities for summer.

Family First Summer Activities Week 4

Family First Summer

Why do we need planned activities for summer?

Too often the summer just slips away from us. We have the best of intentions to make it an amazing time for the whole family, but life crowds in.

The Family First Summer is a plan to complete one activity a day for six weeks of summer.

The activities are easy, inexpensive (or free), and appeal to all ages.

You don’t need to go on an expensive family vacation to create memories your kids will never forget.

With a simple, one-activity-per-day approach, you can strengthen your bond by having fun together at home (or outside).

So get set for this week’s worth of summer family activities.

Family First Summer Activities Week 4

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Week 4 Activities for the Family First Summer

Do an activity per day, or pick and choose the ones that appeal to you.

Day 22: Make Your Own Musical Instrument and Have a Concert

Most crafts are just for display. This is not the case with musical instruments. They are interactive.

Make an instrument, like a plastic straw pan flute, a tissue box guitar, or percussion instruments.

You can make maracas with Gatorade bottles.

Or make this snazzy tambourine with yarn and jingle bells.

Once everyone has an instrument, hold a family concert. You can play and sing along to your favorite songs.

Day 23: Create a Time Capsule with Family Memories

Selecting what to put in a time capsule is almost as much fun as digging it up.

You can use a cardboard shoebox as your time capsule and store it deep in a closet or in the basement.

Or, if you want an authentic time capsule, you can use a watertight plastic or metal container and bury it in your backyard.

For this summer activity, create your time capsule and fill it with mementos from family adventures.

Here are some ideas of what you can add:

  • photos
  • crafts
  • recipes
  • certificates
  • book recommendations
  • playlists
  • original writings like journal entries, stories, and poems
  • tickets
  • small toys

You can even add pictures and crafts from your first three weeks of the Family First Summer.

Once you have stored your time capsule, make an entry on your phone to open it in a year or two.

Day 24: Themed Dress Up Day

Have you heard of School Spirit Week?

Each day for a week, students go to school dressed according to a theme.

Hold your own themed dress-up day! Here are some ideas:

  • pajama day
  • favorite team day (wear sports jerseys or team T-shirts)
  • neon day
  • tie-dye day

Do you need more inspiration? Check out this list of dress-up ideas.

Family First Summer Activities Week 4

Day 25: Family Karaoke Night

Karaoke is a chance to laugh and sing together. It’s the perfect way to make lasting memories as a family this summer.

You don’t need a special setup. If you own or can borrow a karaoke machine, wonderful!

As an alternative, you can also use a Bluetooth karaoke microphone that will sync with your phone.

Or, grab a hairbrush or a spatula and turn on YouTube (the site has many karaoke tracks).

Do you need song suggestions? Check out our kid-friendly playlist.

Day 26: Make Homemade Pizza Together

What is both fun and delicious? Homemade pizza!

You can make your own pizza dough or buy pre-made dough from the grocery store.

When you make your own pizzas, pizza can be both healthy and yummy.

Try these 10 healthy pizza recipes.

You can also make an on-theme dessert by creating these fruit pizzas.

Day 27: Outdoor Nature Art with Leaves and Flowers

You don’t have to raid the craft closet to make art. Use items from nature!

You can source leaves, flowers, and twigs to create a nature collage.

Where do you get those items? Go on a nature walk and find them!

Then you can attach them to blank paper with some craft glue.

Family First Summer Activities Week 4

Day 28: Family Talent Show

What talents do the members of your family have?

You can showcase your hobbies like basketball dribbling, giving a how-to drawing lesson, demonstrating a front walkover, or playing a song on an instrument.

You can also include unconventional talents like talking fast, whistling, playing the kazoo, and raising one eyebrow.

Designate an emcee for the evening and host your first family talent show. You can even record it to capture the memory!

Family First Summer Activities for Week 4

This week of summer activities for families includes nature, cooking, and music activities.

Get in on the fun and make memories with these activities for a Family First Summer.

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