Apple Addition Digital Math Game
Many teachers and parents, like yourself, are turning to the digital world to help educate…
Homeschool and classroom math activities for kids in elementary through middle school. From adding to multiplication to teaching fractions, there are math activities and math lessons for all.
Many teachers and parents, like yourself, are turning to the digital world to help educate…
Finding simple, but stimulating STEM activities for middle schoolers can be difficult. If you have…
What has a tail, swims, and is even a little magical? Mermaids, of course! Bring…
Get ready for a roar-ing good time with this printable dinosaur game! This is a…
E-I-E-I-O… And on your farm, you had a cow! Oh, and a sheep, a duck,…
What do rainbows, starfish, and unicorns all have in common? You can find them and…
The school sports teams are in trouble and they need your help! Can you help…
Applying math lessons learned in a classroom to real life can be mind-boggling for some…
Ever since we did the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range anchor chart, we’ve been getting…
Put a rhyme to mean, median, mode, and range to help students understand what they…
Make the most of your kids’ toys with these LEGO STEM activities for kids of…
Keep kids engaged by learning how to teach fractions with LEGO bricks! Understanding how all…
Homeschool Greater Gator can help! It’s so important to make sure that your child has…
We’ve been working on all sorts of things in math, but the geo-boards have seen…
When working with preschoolers, games should be both fun and educational. Finding ways to enjoy…
With these 10 themed, blank 120 charts, little learners can practice counting to 120 with…
Little Miss has been working on counting over 100. In truth, she had mastered it…
As we were whipping up the Thanksgiving Turkey Tissue Boxes the other day, we were left with…
Keeping them engaged when they’re not in game is simple – when you have Minecraft…
They can be the bane of a math student’s existence. With words like numerators and…